Opinion Undertale Yellow and the Dangers of Music Copyright Management The potential pitfalls of fan-made games
Opinion Are Golden Endings Always the Right Path? Sometimes an ambiguous ending is more satisfying than a triumphant one.
Review How Meg’s Monster Demonstrates a Post-Undertale RPG World Down the chutes to the world below
Opinion The Everlasting Love of Undertale's Sans the Skeleton Tumbler's Sexyman - is he just skin and bones?
Feature Open The Door: How a PlayStation RPG Helped Inspire Undertale Moon, Undertale, and transcending the limitations of games
Game Design Applying Usability Heuristics to Undertale Exploring what Undertale can teach us about minimizing the user's memory load through the lens of the 10 usability heuristics
Review How Undertale Changed the Gaming World Why a silly indie game from 2015 became one of the most influential games in modern gaming culture