Opinion The Future of AI-Powered NPCs in Video Games It's about to become surreal in the AI-powered gaming space
Opinion When Square and Sega Danced: An Alternate Gaming Symphony Take a trip through a past, present, and future that could have been
Opinion What Should Final Fantasy XVII Look Like? Discussing the speculative future of one of the most popular franchises in gaming
Opinion Sephonie Is Better Than Ever on Consoles The latest from Analgesic is an elevated experience on consoles
Opinion Thou Art I…and I Am Thou: Persona 4’s Reflections on Human Bonds The popular JRPG shows how human relationships can make or break a life
Opinion Death of a Service: When "Your" Games Shut Down Players shape the gaming world, affecting both game shutdowns and the rise of new ones
Opinion We Need to Talk About Gay Relationships in JRPGs Why we need more gay representation in JRPGs and how narrative design and character writing can improve
Opinion SANS LINGUA FRANCA: Playing Games I Couldn't Understand The context of languages known and unknown
Opinion Cultivation Game: Steam's Curious New Chinese Niche Tale of Immortal is a surprising hit on Steam
Opinion Mortal Kombat Leaves Fan-Favorite Characters in the Cold Too many guests, not enough originals
Opinion Sonic Frontiers and the "3D Curse" The era of terrible 3D Sonic games could be coming to an end
Opinion Tapwave Zodiac: The PDA That Was a Hopeful Game Boy Challenger Ambition turned into disappointment at a critical point
Opinion What's New in Minecraft 1.20 The Trails & Tales Update? Talking about some of the interesting additions and features
Opinion From Dice Rolls to Digital Realms: Exploring the Evolution of Dungeons & Dragons Video Games Tracking the evolution of D&D from physical to digital
Opinion Predicting the Xbox Games Showcase What will Microsoft pull out of the hat at their 2023 showcase?
Opinion Are Golden Endings Always the Right Path? Sometimes an ambiguous ending is more satisfying than a triumphant one.