Opinion What Gamers Need To Know About Their Health Nothing is more important than your health and wellbeing
Opinion Are We Blowing Overwatch 2 Out of Proportion? Is the negative fan reaction out of line with the game's pre-release reality?
Opinion Ten Games to Scratch the Young Adult Novel Itch Stories bad enough to satisfy your inner 8th-grader
Opinion The End of Overwatch: The Last Days of the Original The end is nigh for the original Overwatch as the sequel draws closer
Opinion Detroit: Become Human is Both Brilliant and Just Shy of It Could the vaunted game have achieved more?
Opinion Superintelligence, Black Seas of Infinity, and Mass Effect Mass Effect almost nailed the most terrifying kind of villain imaginable
Opinion How I Went From Dismissing Indie Games to Loving Them The story of goofy graphics, clunky controls, and a newfound love for passion projects
Opinion Men Without Women — Feminism and Trauma in LISA: The Painful, Part 4 Contrasting the male "ideal of femininity" against real-world relationships
Opinion Heroes of the Storm Deserved Better Will Heroes of the Storm be condemned to the scrap heap of MOBA history?
Opinion Loving to Hate Crash Bandicoot Crash Bandicoot 4's release on PlayStation Plus is a reminder of why I keep playing a series I seldom enjoy
Opinion Ranking the Assassin's Creed Games Reflecting on the games that made waves to those that hardly made a splash
Opinion 11 Games That Prove Golf is Gaming's Most Versatile Sport Tee it up with these vastly different takes on a good walk spoiled
Opinion The Top 10 Most Beautiful Stealth Games of All Time If you're looking for a (gorgeous) stealth fix, don't go past these gems
Opinion Star Trek Armada: Could a Third Game Happen? What could a third game in the classic RTS franchise look like?
Opinion Communicating as a Cat in Stray BlueTwelve Studio brings us closer than ever to the sensation of being another species
Opinion Yakuza 0 Taught Me To Fear Stress-Induced Blindness Yakuza 0 brings to light a real-life medical issue
Opinion Video Games Are a Combination of All the Fine Arts Smashed Into One Why can't video games be considered a fine art on their own?
Opinion How Cuphead Taught Me to Care About Ergonomics Part of healthy gaming is taking care of your body and knowing when to take breaks