Opinion We Need to Talk About Gay Relationships in JRPGs Why we need more gay representation in JRPGs and how narrative design and character writing can improve
Opinion How the Witcher Ruined Morality Systems for Me Exploring the many shades of grey within The Witcher III
Opinion Superintelligence, Black Seas of Infinity, and Mass Effect Mass Effect almost nailed the most terrifying kind of villain imaginable
Opinion Endings in Choice-Driven Games: How to Get Them Right Every path has its destination, but some roads are more rewarding than others
Opinion A Mass Effect TV Adaptation Must Be OK With Disappointing Fans How do you adapt a title where each player has a unique experience? By disappointing a lot of people.
Opinion When Mass Effect Neutered the Reapers, and We Didn’t Care Why world-building and narrative supersede inconsistency in the message