SUPERJUMP Weekly: “Ma” 間, Pentiment, and The End Himself
Issue #26: December 17 to December 23

👋 Greetings and welcome to another edition of SUPERJUMP Weekly. Issue 26 is our second last issue for 2022! Can you believe we're right at the end of the year already? How time flies.
Before mentioning anything else, I must start by congratulating Vítor M. Costa for being recognised as our first ever Writer of the Year. If you are a regular reader of this newsletter, you will probably be familiar with his work, which is always truly extraordinary. At SUPERJUMP, we're aiming to raise the standard of gaming analysis and critique, and Vítor exemplifies this ambition with every feature he meticulously crafts. If you're looking to be inspired over the holiday break, Vítor's stories could be exactly what you're looking for.
There are so many fantastic stories to read this week. There's Chris Kernaghan's stunning exploration of the Japanese concept of "Ma" in Ico, Benji Tigg's ultra in-depth revisiting of The Last of Us Part II, and Rachel Alm's utterly gorgeous story about the role of hope in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.
Please enjoy, and have a very happy (and safe) holidays. I hope you all have the opportunity over the coming days to spend precious time with family and friends, eat too much food, relax, and enjoy some gaming time. 🎄