Opinion When Square and Sega Danced: An Alternate Gaming Symphony Take a trip through a past, present, and future that could have been
Review Hell Let Loose: Cooperation Amid the Chaos A balanced multiplayer FPS that unites casual gamers and hardcore military sim enthusiasts
SUPERJUMP Weekly SUPERJUMP Weekly: Persona 4, Pikmin 4, and the Postmodern Mythos of Final Fantasy XIV Issue #58: July 29 to August 4
Interview Aqualounge is the Coolest Streaming Channel You Aren’t Watching The person, and the concepts, behind the streaming destination Aqualounge
Opinion What Should Final Fantasy XVII Look Like? Discussing the speculative future of one of the most popular franchises in gaming
Opinion Sephonie Is Better Than Ever on Consoles The latest from Analgesic is an elevated experience on consoles
Review Pikmin 4: A Blooming Good Time A thorough review of the newest entry in the Pikmin franchise from a veteran Pikmin lover
Feature Harvest Moon DS: The Weird Mix of Two Classic Bokujou Monogatari Games Examining one of the more unique entries in the iconic series
Opinion Thou Art I…and I Am Thou: Persona 4’s Reflections on Human Bonds The popular JRPG shows how human relationships can make or break a life
Hidden Gems Hidden Gems of Game Design: Volume 14 Unearthing gems with Pharoah Rebirth +, Dink Smallwood, and Star Wars: TIE Fighter
Opinion Death of a Service: When "Your" Games Shut Down Players shape the gaming world, affecting both game shutdowns and the rise of new ones
SUPERJUMP Weekly SUPERJUMP Weekly: Broken Roads, Comparative Criticism, and Game Preservation Issue #57: July 22 to July 28
Review My Friendly Neighborhood Needs More Plausibility and Fewer Scary Puppets Stop on by this neighborhood...
Feature Beyond Imagination: Unraveling the Postmodern Mythos of Final Fantasy XIV Examining the concepts of myth, fiction and fantasy in Final Fantasy XIV
Guide Mechanics Overview-Magic the Gathering's Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth Set Evaluating the mechanics of MtG's latest Lord of the Rings set
Review Zombie Admin: Working for a Living, With the Living Dead Looking for brains in all the wrong places
Guide COD Warzone Rating System and How to Get Better at It Mastering COD Warzone: Understanding the rating system and enhancing your skills