Feature Team 0% Accomplishes Their Impossible Mission How a community united to conquer the ultimate challenge: clearing all the levels of Super Mario Maker
Game Design Is Strategy Design Due for a Shakeup? How does the strategy genre stay relevant in the current era of gaming?
Interview Keepsake County’s Slapstick Stealth Shakes Up the Serious Stealth Genre The ups and downs of developing a stealing simulator
Review Shadowverse Champion’s Battle Legendary Edition is an Engrossing RPG Card Battler The enhanced version of the card battler adds important features for new and veteran Yo-Gi-Oh fans
Feature Resident Evil at 20: Reimagining ‘Ground Zero’ Examining the origins of Resident Evil's film franchise and its contrast with Capcom's games
Opinion A Brief History of the Nuzlocke Challenge How two simple rules changed the landscape of Pokémon
Opinion The Hidden Depth of In-Game Texts What collectible texts and audio logs have to say about their world
Now Playing at SUPERJUMP Now Playing at SUPERJUMP, Issue 20 RPGs abound, with a side of monkey business
Interview My Work Is Not Yet Done Puts the Anxiety in ‘Anxiety Horror’ Discussing 1-bit theological horror with lead developer Spencer Yan and composer Sam Tudor
Opinion The Joy and Pain of Game Mastery Exploring how to create interesting and challenging content for all players
Opinion The Quiet Genius of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Rebirth arrives with a brilliant take on "that" scene
Feature The Rise of Gaming Communities: Exploring the Social Impact of Esports and Online Gaming Exploring the benefits
Opinion Where Are All The Black and White Video Games? Examining the use of monochrome palettes in game design
Feature Death Vegas: Unearthing a Lost Adult Swim Games Classic Unearthing an almost-lost classic that shouldn't be missed