Light In The Darkness
Destiny 2 The Witch Queen expansion delivers with story and more

"This changes everything! I'm honestly not sure I will ever want to play Destiny ever again!"
These are the words I found myself uttering on the 22nd of February 2022, the release day of Destiny 2's newest expansion, The Witch Queen. Nothing could have prepared me for what I experienced in the span of 78 hours.

Like binge-watching a deliciously tantalizing TV series, I was hooked! That was until I reached the end of the campaign. Okay! Okay! let me give you a recap.
Our story picks up from the end of the previous season, Season of the Lost. Savathun in her greatest trick ever has outwitted Mara Sov, Queen to the Awoken people. She has avoided retribution by returning our beloved Warlock Osiris, who is currently laying in intense recovery after being taken captive by the Witch Queen.

The planet Mars has now returned forcing the Vanguard to spring into action with the help of Eris Morn. The race is on to find out how it returned and why there are dark monolith structures on Europa that bear great resemblance to the Ziggurat or Pyramids.
Eyes Up Guardians! There is danger looming around every corner in this brand new Destiny expansion. Without revealing all the goodies waiting for you, part of the unique taste of Season of The Risen gives players the option to choose between a Standard or Become Legend mod. The latter gives increased access to two loot chests, which include 1550 armour and weapons allowing for robust gameplay and functionality while taking back the light.
But don't be fooled, it's not just about pausing to watch the dynamic weather changes take place within Destiny. There is also a bucket load of combat action to be had, puzzles to decipher, and clues to find.
But what about the story?
If you are ready to have your world flipped right, then upside down again, then you are still just partially ready for what you will experience. Many of you know I am a lore nerd but as a writer myself, I can confess that The Witch Queen blew my mind. Destiny has continued to tell stories in both memorable and engaging ways, so it's easy to imagine that storytelling is littered EVERYWHERE! In the UI, colour pallette, armour customization, weapons, combat, characters, lore books, and so on, the story is omnipresent.
And oh boy! Does it deliver!

And if the Hive queen isn't enough to keep your appetite satiated you'll be surprised to learn a new brood of Hive has also appeared in tow. The Lucent Brood, some of the most nefarious and brutal Hive you'll ever encounter in Destiny.
But what's so different about them? Well... that would be too many SPOILERS! Without giving too much away let's just say they have taken possession of something very near and dear to Guardians across the Sol System.
Unpacking the Story
The fabric of Destiny's narrative hangs in the balance in Season of the Risen! Empress Caiatl and her Cabal empire have almost completely aligned themselves with the Vanguard and the people of the Last City. This makes for a unique twist of thought-provoking encounters as the value of life, people and choice ring like a pendulum bell swinging in a steeple.
An incredible element that keeps me coming back to Destiny is the stories, ones that I can personally identify with or see myself in. Not a day goes by that I don't take a spare moment to consider all story threads and how they tie together the past, present and future of Destiny.
But don't take my word for it! You'll want to get yourself a copy of Destiny 2, download and jump into the fantastic Sci-Fi universe and embark on an adventure of a lifetime!

For now, that’s all I have for you. If you have enjoyed reading my review? If you did be sure to react over at SUPERJUMP's Twitter and let me know if you have enjoyed Destiny 2's The Witch Queen so far.
And remember! No matter what you’re facing in life today! You can do all things!
Stay safe and Godspeed. 👋🏾