Don't Go Alone: Cooperative Games
Showcasing cooperative gaming and featuring GLUM by CinderCat Games

👋 Hi there! Welcome to the latest edition of SUPERJUMP Weekly. I must start with an apology: we didn't publish a newsletter last week - our first miss in over two years. Ouch. The reason for this is actually very mundane: I've just been incredibly busy with in-real-life stuff (including moving house), so time got away from me last week. In any case, thank you again for stopping by for another issue!
This week we're delving into cooperative games, although I must admit, this title is slightly misleading. This week's stories do touch on cooperative games, but they also explore alternative ways of enjoying games together (from LAN parties to Twitch streams). I hope you enjoy this week's curated stories. And since we missed a week, you'll see two weeks of updates in our This Week on SUPERJUMP segment.
In this issue we are also featuring GLUM by CinderCat games and showcasing the works of Benny Regalbuto.
One final note: I really want to pause again to thank our wonderful Backers. We now have 14 active Backers, and believe me, every single cent you contribute makes a big difference. We are now able to consistently provide at least some payout to authors every single month, which is a huge achievement.
I understand, though, that there's such thing as subscription fatigue. I feel it too. Everyone is asking for a regular commitment. It's a lot. So, we're attempting to solve for this problem by providing a one-off donation button in the footer of each story. It looks like this:

When you click the button, it will take you to a donation screen. The default/suggested donation is $5USD, but you can change it to whatever you like. As with our Backer program, 100% of these reader donations go directly to authors (we don't use them to cover any other costs). I hope that this feature enables more folks to thank our authors for their work in a concrete way without feeling that they necessarily need to commit to a monthly or yearly program.
As always though, I'm open to ideas any readers have about how we can improve any aspect of what we do. If you'd like to reach out with an idea or feedback, you can email me at I read and reply to every email.
Thank you for your continued support. It really means a lot to all of us. Happy reading!
✍️ Story Showcase: Cooperative Games
⭐ Author Showcase: Benny Regalbuto
📡 On the Radar: GLUM
📅 This Week on SJP
🏆 Backers