Opinion Brain Drive: A Retrospective on Scarlet Nexus Exploring the light and darkness of combat in the brainpunk world of Scarlet Nexus
Interview Crafting Mystery and Magic: An Interview with HeR Interactive Learning the secrets of a good mystery - the Nancy Drew way
Review Night and Day: A Review of Frank and Drake A gothic urban mystery that is quiet, haunting, and kind
Interview Calm and Comfort: An Interview With Hawai’i Artist Brady Evans Brady discusses his artistic process, inspirations, and working on art in games
Now Playing at SUPERJUMP Now Playing at SUPERJUMP, Issue 19 Rebirth arrives, and more adventures in backlogging
Opinion You Monster! Decision-Based Morality, Player Agency, and Guilt We are the sum of the choices we make
Interview An Interview with Maui Game Studio's Joseph Abraham On game development, teaching, and dominating kids in Mario Kart
Opinion Never-Ending Games: The Impermanence of a Constantly Updatable World Delivering a finished game isn't what it used to be
Review Music Lessons: Grief and Hope in When the Past Was Around Memories, and the grief that accompanies them
Opinion The Little Light Within: FFXIV's Endwalker and the Fierceness of Hope Hope is sometimes the most audacious goal
Feature Jak and Daxter's Lasting Precursor Legacy The venerable franchise took daring chances along the way